by Career Culture
A blog about careers, culture, and how we make the most of both.
Elevating Your ‘Elevator Pitch’
Elevator Pitches have become part of pop culture and likely conjure up images of a couple of fast-talking entrepreneurs selling their new product to investors on a television show. However, the Elevator Pitch isn’t just good for pushing ideas and products. When properly constructed, it can also be a very effective career development tool.
Doing it All (but not at the same time)
Multitasking may seem like a necessity, but is it really? Are our brains even able to multitask effectively, or should we try to do more “unitasking” in our professional lives? Surprisingly, what we think is multitasking isn’t, nor are we very good at it — but there are ways that we can try to change our behavior to be more productive without trying to do it all at once.
Making Hybrid Work
How do we make hybrid work? Walk into any meeting of leaders discussing the future of their organization and you’ll find someone showing concern over how their people are connecting, collaborating and linking into the organization’s culture. The solution involves adapting our thinking and working differently. While each organization is as different as the solutions that may be effective, a few broader concepts prove to be more universal.
Fake it till you Make it? Try this instead…
It is one thing to smile when you don’t feel like it in the hopes it will eventually turn your frown upside down. It is another thing to trick yourself, co-workers or clients into thinking you can do something you cannot. So instead of faking it, consider trying these alternatives.
Make the Most of Being a Mentee
Mentor relationships are a large part of the professional development process, but to get the full benefit of mentoring, mentees must be prepared to do more than just receive advice — they need to make the most of being a mentee.
Become a Goal-Getter in 2024
During a time when we tend to plan for the year ahead, it can be overwhelming to think about goal creation and execution. Instead of being overwhelmed, turn to a few tried and true methodologies to guide you.
Hitting a Wall
Hitting a wall at work can feel overwhelming, but understanding the “Wall” better can be the first step to figuring out how to scale one and find success on the other side.
Making Motivation
Motivation is a key component of performance in the workplace, but it can be a tricky thing to harness. Looking to self-determination theory, there are 3 things you can do at work to take control of making your own motivation.
Closing the Loop: 5 Ways to Harness Feedback
Feedback is a necessary part of career and professional development. However, given the infrequency of feedback, it is important to be able to most out of what is offered. To get the most out of your feedback, consider these 5 things.
Progression is not Passive
Performance is not a guarantee. If you find yourself stuck and unable to get to the next stage of your career, it may be time to look beyond what you've been doing and start thinking about what you could be doing differently.
Are you winning, working, wilting or waiting to leave?
Are you winning, working, wilting or waiting to leave? A look at ‘quiet quitting’, how to identify what category of worker you are, and what to do about it.